
1 Problem statement

Every great idea is inspired by a great problem. In other words, what is the basis for the innovation being offered?



Is this solution viable? Does it have merit? Let’s analyze to determine if it is possible and viable.



Will someone buy it? Is the market ready? Let’s unpack your target market and see how hungry they are for your product.


4 business model

How do you sell your innovation? How do you price it? Let’s develop an acceptable business model that benefits the buyer as well as provides the necessary revenue to enable growth.


5 marrIage

I know, I know… we just met. Teamwork is a commitment to people and overcoming inevitable obstacles. This stage is the key decision point as to whether I will commit to the investment.


6 launch

What is the go-to-market strategy? How has the market changed? Do you need to adjust? How are you going to maximize return on capital through effective marketing? I will work with you to successfully launch your product or service by fine-tuning your marketing and sales efforts.


7 expansion

You’ve validated your market and moved into the most profitable phase of your product’s life cycle. Competition starts to heat up. Have you worked out how to protect your product from competitors? I will assist you with strategic management as your product goes from early adopters to the mainstream.


8 harvest

The profits are flowing in and you have strategically positioned yourself ahead of the competition. You have paid back your investors and have made good money. This is when you must develop your next product offering, when you must be willing to reinvest some profits in new ideas. Now it’s time to begin the development process again, but this time: you are the investor.